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The dedicated server is one sort of web hosting which is beneficial to web sites which gets a huge amount of traffic on them and if your web site fits this criterion then a dedicated server is exactly what you admire and need.

Being the only exclusive user of a dedicated web server, you are able to constantly upgrade applications and not to mention hardware in your web site keeping you at the latest and at the top for an increased count of web site traffic. But, dedicated hosting servers does not stop there for a lot of web providers have created a dedicated hosting managed server appropriate to the need of a website that would either be fully managed dedicated server or simply a dedicated managed server.


The kinds of managed servers

Managed servers have several types of server support that would appropriately fit the criteria of your web site keeping you at the top in the web industry. They are as follows:

Entirely managed dedicated servers: These types of servers include continuous software updates, continuous monitoring, and security applications, reboots plus rises on your operating system. You don’t have the physical access to the following which were mentioned.

Dedicated Managed Servers: Such servers include constant monitoring, daily updates, and partial support. You as the customer are allowed to perform some specific tasks given by the web host provider.

Self-Managed Dedicated Servers: Such kind of servers includes only some level of maintenance and of course constant monitoring.

Unmanaged Dedicated Server: These sorts of servers require you to do all the necessary upgrades, monitoring, and maintenance. This has absolutely no help or involvement from your web service provider. This is only advisable if you have the basic skills in running your own server for your own web site.

Managed VS Fully Managed

Given the descriptions of the various dedicated hosting managed server above, you now know the distinction among a dedicated managed server and a fully managed dedicated server. So, which is more immeasurable between the two choices?

If you ask me, my choice will be a fully managed dedicated server. Why? Well, your service provider takes care of absolutely everything and you would no longer need to run your own server. Your web site constantly gets upgrades and you are fully assured on security and monitoring. This, however, is not advisable if you still want some point of customization since you would not have any access at all.

Managing a dedicated server is not at all low priced and nor is it easy.

It requires responsibility and the skills to know how to actually run a server. If you do not even have a general idea on the basic server commands, then an unmanaged dedicated server is surely something you do not need to opt for a completely managed dedicated server. The price may not be that low but with dedicated server packages fully available online you would get the best deal for your money. The profits of having a dedicated hosting managed server surpass the cost. The decision is up to you.